CT Health Insurance Exchange Will Provide Coverage for Many

Ct health insurance

On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or PPACA, into law. This new federal law put sweeping health insurance changes in place. This law includes the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that sets up insurance exchanges in each state. This includes the Connecticut Health Insurance Exchange. These are known as American Health Benefit Exchanges. The CT Health Insurance Exchange is part of the ACA.

The Ct health insurance Exchange program and those in other states will provide subsidies for insurance premiums to certain individuals. These Exchange programs, including the CT Health Insurance Exchange, will generally serve individuals who are purchasing individual insurance. It also covers business with fewer than 100 employees. Those individuals that will be covered by this program are those who purchase an insurance plan and have a household income between 133 percent and 400 percent of the poverty line.

The CT Health Insurance Exchange and those in other states face opposition and criticisms from many opponents. The private health insurance industry is concerned that a small market sized and eligibility restrictions may result in higher premiums as well as cherry picking of those eligible for coverage.

While there are opponents to these exchanges, overall the CT Health Insurance Exchange and other exchanges are attempting to work hand in hand with the private sector to provide health insurance coverage to those who are eligible.
Good refereneces.

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