There are a lot of things to consider before writing insurance appeal letters. Your first order of business is to read the claim letter denial to find the reason for your health insurance denial. This is a key component to crafting your appeal, and you need to be certain that you understand the reason. Secondly, you should call billing and claims processing to make sure that there wasn’t a clerical error with the request that you sent. If you find that there was such an error, make sure to explain it and get it fixed as quickly as possible, but if there was not, you will need to find an insurance appeal letter template as a starting point. While insurance appeal letter templates are generally the same and insurance appeal letters should be accompanied by letters from general practitioner and a specialist that detail the necessity of the procedure, how one goes about submitting the appeal letter depends on a number of characteristics specific to your plan (such as the type of coverage, who regulates your plan, and the appeals process and timeline).
Many insurance appeal letter templates follow similar structure, being formatted as block business letters and logically moving from a statement of the denial with details to the reasoning for the patient’s appeal to a request for reconsideration of their denial. Although these templates give you a skeleton for your letter and highlight the phrases that should be exchanged for personal and specific information, it is advisable to manipulate the insurance appeal letter template, using your own words and not the stock phrases in the template.